My fitness background has included working with a trainer. I started after the birth of my 2nd baby and continued until my youngest was 5 years old. Sometimes it was just 1x/week, but I just liked how it pushed me out of my comfort zone. My trainer from Catalysts Health & Fitness is fantastic! I was devastated when we moved because I had to leave him. My husband says if he ever comes home to find me gone...he knows I'll be back in CT with my trainer. Hahaha! But seriously my trainer was so knowledgeable. He trained me to my first full marathon. He was really good at modifying my training sessions as my runs got longer. He was very big on proper form and he would tweak the minutest things when I was lifting.
I come to CrossFit, with my years of personal training experience and I just can't seem to try to lift these heavy weights without being afraid. Let me say my CrossFit gym is very, very big on safety and I never feel pushed to do more than I am comfortable with. However I see these people lifting these massive amounts of weights and I cringe thinking they could easily get hurt. Also I really hit a wall when I was training for the marathon this past winter. When I got up into my higher milage I couldn't do my training runs properly with CrossFit in the mix. My legs would be wasted for days and it was very discouraging.
Two weeks before the marathon I fell doing a box jump. It was one of those days where I was jumping and every time I made it to the top of the box I was thinking wow- I did it. My brain and body were not in sync, my body was slower than my brain. Then wham...down I went.
This was 1 week after I did it (ugh)! |
Happy Monday!
Hey, I just signed up for Wineglass! I've been wanting to run it for a few years now! We should meet up! I don't do cross fit, but I also swim and cycle, and lift just a little on my easy run days.
That would be awesome. I heard it's a great course. Are u doing the full or the 1/2?